Here are three reasons why you may be feeling that way and you may want to check into changing it if you need better habits! Stay healthy with good sleep and feel energized.
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Too Much Sleep
What am I talking about that if you sleep more you feel more exhausted?! That sounds ridiculous and I know that nobody wants to hear it but that’s true. Scientists call oversleeping drunkenness because it feels sort of like a hangover. When you sleep too much, you’re throwing off that biological clock, and it starts telling the cells a different story than what they are actually experiencing, inducing a sense of fatigue. You may be crawling out of bed at 11am, but your cells began using their energy cycle . This is all very similar to jet lag, if you have ever experienced it. But oversleep isn’t just going to ruin your day. If you are oversleeping on the routine, you could be placing yourself at risk for diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
The infamous put down your phone or notebook away before you lay down for bed. OH NO! You can’t miss out on your nightly scroll through Facebook to see what everyone is up to or to just laugh at Plantation Wildlife Removal all evening. Well here is the issue, you start to scroll and then after two hours you do not understand how long it was and now you cut your 8 hours of sleep into 5 1/2 hours that isn’t sufficient enough and you will be exhausted in the morning! You’re constantly placing strain on your eyes when you’re in a dark room with a bright light close to your eyes. This is not only bad for your sleeping schedule and also may decrease your chance of getting a complete night of sleep but it’s also bad for your eyes and can lead to severe headaches.
Yes, I know regrettably alcohol can create more bad than good. We know that you get hangovers already, that wear you out and make you lethargic. The day after drinking copious amounts of alcohol and barley any water will dehydrate your body like crazy and make you feel like garbage. If your end game is to get back on a good schedule and stop feeling so exhausted and worn out, so you can enjoy life, then you need to decrease the alcohol in your life and learn a healthy happy equilibrium.